Intentional Life


What if you could intentionally decide how you want to show up to your life? 

What if you no longer allowed life to just happen to you, but you intentionally decided ahead of time what you wanted?

What if you intentionally LIKED yourself?

What if you believed that you have everything you need right now?

You have everything you need to move closer to the dreams and desires of your heart. To become more fully you. To wake up every day to a life you really love.

Can you imagine it?

I bet you can. The challenge is that we often don’t know how to move forward from there. We keep searching for the answers from experts and gurus, but we never take the time to truly get in touch with what we want. Our body, mind and spirit are disconnected, and we don’t know how to get them aligned.

That’s where I can help. Working with an intuitive coach in a safe space where you can get honest with yourself can change everything! I’d love to connect with you via coaching or intuitive sessions and help you learn to radically accept yourself and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The best news is that you can often make significant progress in a short amount of time. It all depends on your willingness to get real and to work on you.

I absolutely believe you can do this and I would be honored to come alongside you on this journey to fully connecting with yourself and living an unapologetic life.

I look forward to connecting with you!


My newest book, Ablaze, is releasing soon! Stay tuned for more details. I’m excited to share this with you.

Coaching Session

Are you ready to stop letting life happen to you?

Are you ready to decide ON PURPOSE who you want to be and how you want to show up in the world?

Are you exhausted from the mental weight that is continually holding you back from a life that you’ve always dreamed about?

Are you tired of not being your authentic self?

I’m now offering individual coaching sessions. When you need help getting out of your own way or figuring out what you really want, I can help.

We’ll spend one hour together on Zoom or the phone and laser focus on you.  Click here to schedule your session. I am looking forward to coaching you!

Intuitive Session

One of my gifts is helping to communicate intuitive guidance for others. Together, we set an intention to open up to the guidance that is specifically meant for you. A 30 minute session can provide powerful insight and guidance. I’d be honored to be a messenger for you.

Click here to purchase a session for you or as a gift.


We didn’t apologize for ourselves when we were children, so why do we do it now?

I wrote this book to help you learn how to stop apologizing for who you are and what you love. To learn to understand and accept yourself and who you are, and bring your awesome to the world.

Living unapologetically starts with loving who you are, what you bring to the world, and refusing to apologize for it.


Let's Connect

I’m an intuitive life coach who helps women remember how to trust their intuition so they can expand their unique gifts and live unapologetically. Together, we find your own answers and empower you to understand yourself better so you can bring your awesome to the world.

I host the Intentional Life podcast, where we talk about creating a life that you actually want and love waking up to every morning.  I am also the author of the book, Unapologetic, which is all about helping you to understand yourself and no longer apologize for who you are. I look forward to connecting with you!

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